McCain-Palin – Coming off their excellent convention speeches and spin that followed, McCain-Palin has secured a decent lead in the polls over Obama-Biden. Palin obviously energized the base of the Republican Party and independents across the nation. Hopefully they will continue to put the screws to our opponents’ ideology for the next 8 weeks.
Reed v. Harkin – Reed still struggles to gain traction in his race to unseat Iowa’s favorite resident of the Bahamas. Reed is a good conservative and with any luck at all, he will start to get the media to at least look at him. He does have a debate scheduled for the 9th of October on IPTV. Maybe that will get his campaign the boost it needs. I heard the Iowa delegation passed the hat for him at one of their breakfast meetings last week, giving him a boost and ability to make a little more progress in his uphill climb.
Latham v. Greenwald – Latham has raised a lot of money and has some good staff running around his district. He seems to have a better sign presence than in years past and was also the first of the Iowa delegation to get up on the airwaves. Latham is doing what he needs to do to win and win big.
King v. Hubler – King just got back from a 2 week trip. The first week he was in Iraq for the 6th time, also Afghanistan, and the Republic of Georgia. The second week he was at the Republican National Convention. King has stepped up his fundraising and has also hired Tim Moran to work on his campaign. King has always been able to count on the grassroots to help whenever it is needed and this year is no different. King shouldn’t have a problem this time around and without multiple independents running against him, his margin could be greater than 2006. And you have to ask yourself, why would Berkley Bedell align himself with King’s opponent – recovering alcoholic, married four times, asked not to re-enlist in the military, and living in an apartment in Council Bluffs?
Miller-Meeks v. Loebsack – Miller-Meeks is a great candidate. She’s worked her tail off ever since announcing her run for Congress. She has struggled raising money but who hasn’t in the flood areas? She still has a very uphill battle but definitely has a good shot at toppling Loebsack. She needs your help with funds and volunteer hours. This is a great one to get back.
Schmett v. Boswell – Schmett started off very slowly and has started to run a little more aggressively for Boswell’s seat. Schmett really needs to step it up if he wants to have a chance. They have done some creative things to get the media to cover their race but that hasn’t been enough. Schmett also needs your help and with some luck, we can put some heat on Boswell.
Hartsuch v. Braley – Braley is well liked and respected in the 1st district. For being a freshman congressman you would think we’d give this race more attention. The problem is, Hartsuch hasn’t been running for Congress like he should. I don’t know if he doesn’t want it or doesn’t want to work for it. He hasn’t raised much and from what I can tell, his October FEC report won’t be much better. Conservatives love your political views David, but you really need to start campaigning. It is definitely time to segue from dormant to active. The best way to do that would be to get rid of the Seg Ways and raise some serious cash.
Iowa Senate – Everybody has written off the Iowa Senate. Don’t you just love those self-fulfilling prophecies? That is some really good leadership. I do know we will win with more conservatives than we had the last session. I can’t wait for them to show some of our current minority how to do it.
Iowa House – We have a good chance to get the majority. Rants has done a good job of convincing donors they should put all of their eggs in his basket. Hopefully they don’t get broken. We will win back the majority and for the most part, the majority will be more conservative in years past. Hopefully they can stand on principle and give this state the leadership she deserves.
Reed v. Harkin – Reed still struggles to gain traction in his race to unseat Iowa’s favorite resident of the Bahamas. Reed is a good conservative and with any luck at all, he will start to get the media to at least look at him. He does have a debate scheduled for the 9th of October on IPTV. Maybe that will get his campaign the boost it needs. I heard the Iowa delegation passed the hat for him at one of their breakfast meetings last week, giving him a boost and ability to make a little more progress in his uphill climb.
Latham v. Greenwald – Latham has raised a lot of money and has some good staff running around his district. He seems to have a better sign presence than in years past and was also the first of the Iowa delegation to get up on the airwaves. Latham is doing what he needs to do to win and win big.
King v. Hubler – King just got back from a 2 week trip. The first week he was in Iraq for the 6th time, also Afghanistan, and the Republic of Georgia. The second week he was at the Republican National Convention. King has stepped up his fundraising and has also hired Tim Moran to work on his campaign. King has always been able to count on the grassroots to help whenever it is needed and this year is no different. King shouldn’t have a problem this time around and without multiple independents running against him, his margin could be greater than 2006. And you have to ask yourself, why would Berkley Bedell align himself with King’s opponent – recovering alcoholic, married four times, asked not to re-enlist in the military, and living in an apartment in Council Bluffs?
Miller-Meeks v. Loebsack – Miller-Meeks is a great candidate. She’s worked her tail off ever since announcing her run for Congress. She has struggled raising money but who hasn’t in the flood areas? She still has a very uphill battle but definitely has a good shot at toppling Loebsack. She needs your help with funds and volunteer hours. This is a great one to get back.
Schmett v. Boswell – Schmett started off very slowly and has started to run a little more aggressively for Boswell’s seat. Schmett really needs to step it up if he wants to have a chance. They have done some creative things to get the media to cover their race but that hasn’t been enough. Schmett also needs your help and with some luck, we can put some heat on Boswell.
Hartsuch v. Braley – Braley is well liked and respected in the 1st district. For being a freshman congressman you would think we’d give this race more attention. The problem is, Hartsuch hasn’t been running for Congress like he should. I don’t know if he doesn’t want it or doesn’t want to work for it. He hasn’t raised much and from what I can tell, his October FEC report won’t be much better. Conservatives love your political views David, but you really need to start campaigning. It is definitely time to segue from dormant to active. The best way to do that would be to get rid of the Seg Ways and raise some serious cash.
Iowa Senate – Everybody has written off the Iowa Senate. Don’t you just love those self-fulfilling prophecies? That is some really good leadership. I do know we will win with more conservatives than we had the last session. I can’t wait for them to show some of our current minority how to do it.
Iowa House – We have a good chance to get the majority. Rants has done a good job of convincing donors they should put all of their eggs in his basket. Hopefully they don’t get broken. We will win back the majority and for the most part, the majority will be more conservative in years past. Hopefully they can stand on principle and give this state the leadership she deserves.
CD - any speculation on what happens to the GOP leadership in the Iowa Senate after their execution of the "self-fulfilling prophecy"?
Also, WAR Rant's hot staffer!!!
I used to think that the obvious answer would be to replace them with forward looking leaders. But after the 2006 election losses, Republicans did more of the same by reinstating almost every "leader" in every position.
I'm betting their will be a more principled leader put in, but I'm not going to bet the farm on it.
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